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When you are looking into any SEO agency in Florida, especially for digital PR, press releases are essential. Press releases are a convenient way for journalists to quickly and readily understand important results. They can be used as a stand-alone article or as an addition to a longer blog post.

Press releases are typically sent by businesses to convey business news, but in digital PR, they are used as a component of a plan to raise a website’s SEO metrics and increase brand awareness.

Best  SEO agency Florida knows that through brand mentions and connections on appropriate websites, digital PR campaigns frequently integrate a brand into a topical and relevant discourse to strengthen their E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness).

The difficulty is in getting journalists to read your pitch, even though getting links and coverage has never been more difficult. Therefore, a campaign needs to have a compelling angle and a well-written piece. 

We’ll go over the fundamentals of drafting a press release in this tutorial, along with style guidelines, structure, and our best advice for maximizing the effectiveness of your campaign.

Well-written & Structured Press Release 

Once your viewpoint has been established, make sure it is prominently shown in your press release rather than tucked away or obscured. Start your article with its most interesting section, going right to the point and outlining the rest of the content in descending order of significance.

We’ve outlined a standard press release template below that you should follow to make sure your story has the highest chance of being successful. Please remember that there are differences in press release formats.


To convey the main idea of the content with the least amount of material feasible, keep the headline brief and to the point. For instance, the headline “Hero Cat Saves Baby Stuck in Tree!” is sufficient to entice readers to scroll down in search of more details. Who wouldn’t want to peruse this material?

If the headline said, “A Ginger Cat in Manchester Spotted Saving a Crying Baby From an Oak Tree,” the important details would be obscured by superlatives and filler words.

Even though, as far as we know, this unusual occurrence did not truly happen, pretend that it did, and you are handling the digital public relations for a pet charity. You have a fresh story after looking up adoption statistics for popular cats.

Leading Sentence 

In the introduction, briefly summarize the main ideas of the angle. Here is where you can go into further detail regarding the cat’s amazing deeds.

The purpose of the introductory phrase is to highlight the most intriguing portion of the piece, not to describe how you carried out the research, who your customer is, or that the cat’s rescue mission took place on a soggy Tuesday morning. 

The Body 

The best SEO agency Florida explains every detail and complexity clearly to audience in the body paragraphs.  Explaining who is telling the tale or involved in it and why—with a focus on the why—usually makes the most sense in the second paragraph. Why is this tale pertinent? An event in pop culture, the world, a national awareness day, a contemporary issue, or the present weather could be the “why” for a story. 

The Bottom Line Or Conclusion 

You can identify the conclusion of the press release and add any other pertinent information in the footer section.

First, indicate with a ‘-ENDS-‘ or ‘###’ when the item has ended.

Next, include a “note to editors” section with any pertinent details that journalists would need, like contact information and research methodology.

Additionally, place a boilerplate—a paragraph including corporate information—beneath the “note to editors” section.

Do’s Of Writing A Press Release 

Make editing a priority because typos and poor grammar might give journalists the impression that your material is unreliable.

To maximize engagement, most of the time use active language rather than passive language. For instance, “a cat saved a baby” is active, whereas “a baby was saved by a cat” is passive. While passive language is frequently ambiguous and misleading, active language draws the reader into what transpired.

To help maintain the reader’s interest, vary the form of your sentences.

If you include imagery in the email body, make sure the file size is tiny and include a link to a larger version that may be downloaded to spare journalists’ jobs.

Don’ts Of Writing A Blog

SEO agency Florida make sure that blog does not cater to irrelevant information and complies with SEO blog rules. 

Don’t make the wording too complex. In a blog article, descriptive, flowery, or playful language can work well; however, when pitching to journalists, keep it short and sweet.

If you can’t support the headlines, stay away from them.

Steer clear of sales terminology. Minimize brand mentions in press releases unless the perspective is business news. If not, journalists may misinterpret your content as an advertisement and may request payment to cover it.

The same words and phrases should not be used again because this can confuse and disinterest readers.