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Starting a new business and letting people know about your new brand journey isn’t easy if you want sales or a brand impression. In the beginning, every business struggles to gain customers just like yours…

Maintaining the budget and results of the campaign is not a piece of cake, you have to put all your effort into it. Look for the best SEO agency in Florida to know which marketing strategy should you be getting from your brand: Search engine optimization (SEO) and pay-per-click (PPC).

However, can’t identify which way is more helpful or suitable for your brand let us give you some insights on the right use of both marketing tactics for your brand. Just read ou the blog to find out. 

In this blog you are going to explore what results these strategies given by the best SEO services company in Florida will bring to your business. Also clearly depicts the difference between PPC and SEO and which one suits your business. 

What Makes Google Worth For Marketing 

Google accounts for about 92.47% search engine market share, thus most of the SEO strategies are made for Google rather than other engines like Yahoo and Bing. This is why it is necessary to learn more about Google’s ranking factors, content creation, link building, and technical SEO. 

Benefits of SEO

SEO Is For Long Long Run With Minimum Cost

Though in SEO you have to invest money and time, it still takes less money than in paid-per-click ads. It gives long-term results at a minimum cost, unlike the PPC where you have to pay for every single click.

When Google ranks your website based on the content quality and keywords, then it automatically keeps on driving traffic to your web page for the long run without further investing money in it.  Whenever a user clicks on the link, you will not get charged, unlike the PPC. 

Target Audience At Different Funnel Stages

All the audience surfing around the internet and seeing your website is at different stages of the sales funnel.

Some of them are at the top getting to know about your brand while others are at the bottom ready to purchase your brand.

SEO can give you the chance to create different content (guides, case studies, inspirational, blog posts) to target the netizens at different stages of the funnel. 

Smooth & Consistent Traffic 

With search engine optimization, you can rank your website on Google allowing you to gain free web traffic as long as you optimize it with keywords 

Moreover, there is no scene of running and stopping in traffic with SEO. Once you run out of cash, your website stops appearing on the search engine. This is similar to real estate where you have to pay to live in the rented house resonating to PPC, while not having to pay continuously to live in a pre-owned house. 

Create Brand Authority With Original Content 

Google only ranks those websites on the top pages which fulfill the credibility and originality of the content, thus it builds brand to trust for the audience.

Moreover, people notice the content is written by an expert in that industry. This aids in building backlinks from other websites which helps in ranking your website on Google. 

Weakness Of SEO

  • Optimize content regularly 
  • Slow In Showing Results 
  • Need Expertise & High Skills 

PPC- Pay Per Click 

PPC refers to an ad for your brand which you pay for every click whenever a customer interacts with your paid ad. This is a form of search engine marketing. You are going to target and pay for those who are interested in your ad. 

Benefits Of PPC 

Quick Results 

Unlike SEO, which gives you results in months, PPC offers results in a day or even after a few hours. 

Paid Ad Are Above Organic Ads

You will find PPC ads always at the top of the search engine results pages SERP above the organic links. Hence, this helps people to notify your website first than any other website attached to that keyword. 

Choose Your Target Audience Specifically 

When setting up the campaign for the ad, you may choose which audience to target.

It depends on which factors like martial, geographical, or age would you like to target. 

For instance, if your agency is in Florida or wants to take customers from Florida then you have to pinpoint companies/ customers from Florida. 

Instant A/B Test On PPC Ad

Ensuring the performance, you can run two ads simultaneously, to let know which one gives better performance.

This can be done in a way like altering some features e.g. ad copy while allowing them to run to check the outcome.  Based on the performance, you can slash the whole ad or continue to run it as long as it delivers results.

Weaknesses Of PPC 

  • Expensive Marketing, Heaving On Your Wallet
  • Less Profit Margins (Low ROI)
  • Limited Control Over Paid Ads 

Concluding Up The Blog

Still have a question about which one is better, then consult the best SEO agency in Florida. This question is the same as putting on a suit or a long frock for the event. It depends totally on the theme type or what the event is about. If it’s your friend’s birthday party then a long frock would compliment. Or else if it’s an office even then a formal suit would look good. 

SEO is effective for startups gaining local searches.  It can cost you so much less at a cheaper rate for keeping it as long as you want. On the other hand, pay-per-click will acquire from you money to make your brand name in front of the audience.